Welcome to the Gateway Camera Club


Our goals are to share ideas, knowledge, and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members; and to have some fun while enjoying photography. We recognize photography is changing, growing and with ever-emerging technologies, more exciting than ever!  Gateway was one of the first local camera clubs to embrace digital photography and, as a result, we have some very knowledgeable digital photographers. Many award-winning members of Gateway Camera Club honed their talents and abilities through the mentoring they found at Gateway.

Our club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays from September to June 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Want to compete, learn and share? Check out our exciting schedule. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Just stop in and introduce yourself. We hope you'll soon find an aspect of Gateway that fits your interests. Please browse our website, learn more about what we do, and enjoy. And remember, enthusiasm is catchy. Come and catch some!  

The slideshow to the right are images from our January Competition

Interested in seeing what Gateway Camera Club is all about? You are welcome to join as a Guest Member for 30 days.  Just send us an Email and you will be added to the attendee list for the next 30 days.



Upcoming Events


Image Study - January 21st - Zoom - Art Vaughan


Special Event - Monday January 27th - Zoom - "The Two Gardens of Claude Monet" presented by Freeman Patterson

World renown visual artist, educator, author, and recipient of countless awards in photography, Freeman Patterson invites us to see the wonder in the natural world, reminding us that we are surrounded by opportunities to create images — no need to travel far and wide, although that is great, too, of course!

Yes, as the winter doldrums take hold, we will have two meetings in a week. Gateway Camera Club and Greater Lynn Photographic Association are collaborating to bring our two
clubs together for a program on “The Two Gardens of Claude Monet” presented by world-renowned Canadian photographer Freeman Patterson.

Bio: The recipient of a multitude of honors and awards, Freeman Patterson has traveled the world over to photograph and teach in the visual arts, music, education and ecology. He has published a dozen books on a wide range of photographic topics. He runs in-person workshops and artist retreats and writes a very engaging and interesting bi-monthly newsletter.




Program Night - January 28th - Zoom - "From Flat to Fabulous" presented by Rosie LeLonde

Rosie Lalonde will demonstrate how to take a photographic image “From Flat to Fabulous” using Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw. Then, in Photoshop, Rosie will demonstrate some of the best new Photoshop techniques for removing distractions, creating new skies, and more.

Rosie would welcome Club Members to send in images they feel are not useable so that she can demonstrate the power of LR, ACR, and Photoshop to resurrect most any image.

Bio: Rosie Lalonde has a passion for life, photography, and mentoring others.  She started her photographic career in her early twenties, specializing in ministry outreach photojournalism.  From there, she brought her photojournalistic approach to children’s and wedding photography. 

Today, retired from commercial photography, Rosie continues to pursue her desire to mentor others by sponsoring hands-on floral-photography workshops and authoring easy to follow, floral-specific training videos. The goal is to help others take their floral photography and post-processing to higher levels of excellence.



February Competition Deadline - February 2 at 11:59 PM - Theme is Windows - Judge Don Toothaker

A photograph where the primary subject consists of Windows. Windows show character and often have reflections or provide the opportunity to peek within. The photograph can consist of windows alone and/or interaction of people, animals, objects with the window.




Field Trips, Events of Interests, SIGs


Field Trip  - Saturday February 1st -  Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation

Due to its popularity with our membership over the years, we will be visiting the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation (CRMII) on Saturday February 1st.  We peek into the watershed era of the Industrial Revolution which forever altered humankinds basic way of life.  We will be fascinated by the workings of seemingly simple mechanisms, devices and tools as well as we will be by large and complex machines.  Photography opportunities abound!  

Museum website:   Charles River Museum

Registration closes Thursday January 31st at 6:01 PM

REGISTRATION - /club/Events_view.aspx?Eventid=5275f6d5-9aec-4f77-af79-531d9006f7a0





Photographer's Event List

Buz is creating an events of interest to photographers list.  This is intended to be an interactive list with any member sending Buz an event that they've learned about.  The event can be anything that you think would be of interest to photographers.  These could be larger regional events or small home town celebrations of some kind.   Any theme might be a good event:  specialty sports (nat'l leagues, we already know about), state and local fairs and festivals, flowers and gardens, historic, special visiting exhibits at museums, and events that defy categorization.  As you send Buz events,  he will add to the list and send out periodic updated e-mails. 

April 24 -27 - 48th Annual Nantucket Daffodil Festival  - https://daffodilfestival.com/   Contact Diane Spottswood or Lois Galluzzo for details



Multi-Club Categories

1. Birds in the Human Environment
2. Clouds
3. Environmental Portrait
4. Night Photography – People and Places
5. Perspective
6. Selective Focus
7. The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat
8. Trees

Complete definitions are posted here>>>  /d/dac6a2e1-9508-4806-8933-ebd69c3bb9e8



2024 - 2025 Competition Themes

February        Windows

A photograph where the primary subject consists of Windows. Windows show character and often have reflections or provide the opportunity to peek within. The photograph can consist of windows alone and/or interaction of people, animals, objects with the window.

March    Lonely Tree         

A photograph where a solo tree that is the main subject. The tree can be the only tree in the image or stand out from other trees or items.

April      Black and White

There is more than one definition of black and white.  For our competitions, a black and white image may consist exclusively of black and white or may include shades of gray tone (grayscale) that may range from dark (black) to light (white).  A black and white image is a monochrome image, but not all monochrome images qualify as black and white.  An image will not qualify as a black and white image if it contains tones, shades or hues of color other than black, gray or white.

May          Music

A photograph that represents music or the making of music. This includes musicians, musical instruments, notes, etc







GCC has established two Instagram hashtags to promote our club member's pictures.  These are as follows:



We are looking forward to seeing your pictures under our hashtags on Instagram. Please contact anyone on the Social Media Committee (Fred Floru, Beth DeBor, or Susan McIntyre) if you have any questions.

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Copyright Notice: Copyright © Gateway Camera Club, Framingham, MA, 1966-2024 -- All rights reserved.  All included content copyright the original creator.

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