Gateway Camera Club Bylaws
1. The name of this organization shall be Gateway Camera Club.
ARTICLE II – Mission and Purpose
1. Gateway Camera Club provides an informal, friendly, and supportive environment for photographers of all levels of experience and with interests in a wide range of photographic styles and techniques. It encourages growth of artistic vision and technical knowledge.
The purpose of the not-for-profit club is to educate, encourage and expand the photographic knowledge and capabilities of its members by: (a) furnishing a meeting place where its members may associate, (b) making available presentation equipment required for the conduct of its programs, (c) presenting lectures and demonstrations of techniques, (d) providing for member participation in regular meetings, club activities, club-sponsored education programs, field trips, special interest groups, club exhibitions and contests which are encouraged but not required, and club committees and (e) sponsoring activities which further the purpose of the club.
ARTICLE III - Membership
1. Membership in Gateway Camera Club is open to all persons 18 years of age or older as long as they subscribe to the club’s mission statement. Youths between the ages of 13 and 18 may join with written permission of a parent or guardian. Membership is activated upon payment of dues and any outstanding fees to the Treasurer.
2. The Treasurer or their appointed representative shall maintain a membership list which shall be available to club members via the club website. The list shall be updated throughout the year as appropriate and shall include the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of every member unless the member has specifically requested information be withheld from publication.
3. The Executive Board has the right to terminate a person’s membership in the club for any good and sufficient reason by a majority vote at any Board meeting where a quorum is present. The Board shall have full discretion as to what constitutes "good and sufficient reason", and the decision of the Board shall be final in instances of this case. Examples of what could constitute good and sufficient reason include, but are not limited to: obscene or threatening behavior and personal behavior that disrupts or interrupts meeting(s) to the detriment of other members' participation and enjoyment.
1. The annual Dues for individual or other types of membership shall be determined by the Executive Board.
2. Dues shall be payable by the first competition of each new year.
3. For new members joining on or after February 1, the dues for the remainder of the club year shall be half the annual amount.
ARTICLE V - Meetings
1. Regular meetings of the club shall, if possible, be held on all Tuesdays of each month during the nine-month period from September through May. The Annual Meeting for the award of prizes shall be held on the second Tuesday in June.
2. The dates of regular meetings may be changed when necessary, or a special meeting may be convened when it is deemed in the interest of the club. Such action may be taken by the Executive Board or, in the event of an emergency, by the President or a Vice-President and one other officer. Reasonable notice of such change or addition shall be given to the club members.
3. In addition, when a meeting location is available (either the regular meeting location or an off-site location) and the club's finances can afford it, extra meetings may be scheduled in regular meeting months. The meeting(s) could be to host Special Interest Groups or for other educational, preparatory, or entertainment purposes directly related to photography.
ARTICLE VI - Officers and Directors
1. The officers shall be President, Vice-President-Program, Vice President-Competition, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected as per Article VII.
2. There shall be one Director who shall be the immediate past President, if willing to serve.
ARTICLE VII - Election and Term of Service
1. A Nominating Committee consisting of a chair and two other members knowledgeable in the aims and operation of the club shall be named by the President by the first regular meeting in March.
2. This committee shall seek input and candidate recommendations from the membership and, after interviewing persons willing to serve, present nominations for officers and Member at Large at the first regular meeting in April. Members may also enter names into nomination from the floor at the first meeting in April.
3. The officers and Member at Large shall be elected at the first regular meeting in May to serve for one year beginning at the close of the annual meeting. Voting shall be by voice vote of those members present and a simple majority is required.
4. If the President vacates office, the Vice-President-Program, then Vice President-Competition, in turn, shall succeed the President. If any other officer, Member at Large or Director position is vacant, a successor shall be chosen by the Executive Board.
5. The Board positions of President and Member At Large may hold the same position for two successive years but not for more than two years in any four-year period. The positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President – Program and vice President – Competition may hold the same office for no more than four consecutive years.
ARTICLE VIII - Executive Board
1. The Executive Board (Board) shall consist of the Officers, Director, NECCC Chair, Website Chair, Newsletter Chair, and one Member at Large.
2. The Executive Board shall handle all routine business of the club and shall authorize the expenditure of funds for all club expenses such as speakers, judges, equipment, printing, dues, fees, mailings and other authorized expenses.
3. Formal meetings of the Board shall be called periodically by the President or a Vice President, as required, to transact business of the club. Notification shall be given to each member of the Board at least five days in advance of the meeting.
4. Informal meetings of the Board may be called by the President or a Vice President at any time by notice to the Board members for the purpose of handling items of business that require immediate attention.
5. At either formal or informal meetings of the Board, six members, which shall include two Officers, shall constitute a quorum.
6. Decisions of the Executive Board will be made by votes and require a majority of those present.
7. Any club member who wishes to bring items requiring Board action to the attention of the Board may do so at any time by alerting the President or any other Board member. The Board will discuss the issue(s) at the next Board meeting.
ARTICLE IX - Committees
1. The officers listed below shall coordinate the actions of the following standing committees:
(a) President: NECCC Committee – represents the club in the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and coordinates NECCC competitions, Newsletter Committee - publishes the monthly newsletter. Web Site Committee - provides and keeps current a web presence for the club, Publicity Committee - publicizes club meetings and events via newspapers, fliers, etc., Social Media Committee – promotes club presence on social media platforms, Membership Committee – maintains club badges, welcomes members and coordinates well wishes of the club, Hospitality Committee – coordinates and arranges for hospitality at club meetings.
(b) Vice President-Program: Program Committee - arranges the programs for all club meetings except competitions, Field Trips Committee - arranges club outings, Events Committee – arranges special club events, Exhibits Committee – arranges public exhibits of club members’ photographs, and Technology Committee – maintains club technology and arranges equipment for meetings.
(c) Vice President-Competition: Digital Committee – determines and publishes rules of competition, selects competition judges and conducts club digital competitions, Print Committee - conducts club print competitions, Multi-Club Committee – coordinates competitions among other photographic clubs, PSA Committee – represents the club in the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and coordinates PSA competitions.
2. As soon as possible after being elected to office, the President and associated Vice President shall appoint the Chairs of the Standing Committees. The Secretary shall immediately notify the Chairs and the Board of the appointments. The Chairs shall recruit members to assist them as required.
3. The President may at any time appoint an ad hoc committee for a special purpose, but the actions of such committee shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board in accordance with the intent of these Bylaws.
ARTICLE X - Newsletter
1. The Chair of the Newsletter Committee shall be the editor of the club newsletter, which shall be called the "Click", providing the members with information on club activities.
2. Regular issues of the Click shall, if possible, be published monthly during the ten-month period from September through June, to be received by members at least one week before the first regular meeting.
3. The Chair of the Newsletter Committee shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE XI - Website
1. The Chair of the Website Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the club website.
2. The website will serve the purpose of a) keeping the membership informed of items of club interest such as the club schedule, issues of the Click, and competition rules and results; b) introducing the public to the club and informing them of the what, when, where, and how the club operates; and c) providing a repository for club articles and providing members with space to display a gallery of their work on-line.
3. The website will be maintained with as much current information as is possible by the Webmaster.
4. The Chair of the Website Committee shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE XII - Amendment of Bylaws
1. An amendment to these Bylaws may be initiated by (a) the Board or (b) by a petition signed by at least twenty-five percent of the club members.
2. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given by publishing it in full, together with the reasons for the proposed change, at least thirty days prior to the meeting when changes shall be voted upon.
3. Subject to the above, these bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. A quorum shall consist of at least twenty-five percent of the members including two officers.
ARTICLE XIII - Compensation
No Director, Officer, or member of a committee shall be compensated for his or her service in any of these positions. However, all such persons shall be entitled to reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the club with prior authorization by the Board. The Board may authorize the President to approve expenses under an amount to be determined by the Board.
ARTICLE XIV - Dissolution
If, after notification to the members, the club is dissolved by the Board, the Board shall promptly pay or provide for all outstanding obligations of the club. Any remaining funds, after reimbursement of members current year dues, or other assets shall be distributed by the Board to one or more non-profit organizations having an interest in photography.
[Bylaws approved by the club membership, January 14, 2025]