Welcome to the Gateway Camera Club
Our goals are to share ideas, knowledge, and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members; and to have some fun while enjoying photography. We recognize photography is changing, growing and with ever-emerging technologies, more exciting than ever! Gateway was one of the first local camera clubs to embrace digital photography and, as a result, we have some very knowledgeable digital photographers. Many award-winning members of Gateway Camera Club honed their talents and abilities through the mentoring they found at Gateway.
Our club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays from September to June 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Want to compete, learn and share? Check out our exciting schedule. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Just stop in and introduce yourself. We hope you'll soon find an aspect of Gateway that fits your interests. Please browse our website, learn more about what we do, and enjoy. And remember, enthusiasm is catchy.
Come and catch some!
The slideshow to the right are images from our Image of the Year Competition
Interested in seeing what Gateway Camera Club is all about? You are welcome to join as a Guest Member for 30 days. Just send us an Email and you will be added to the attendee list for the next 30 days.
Upcoming Events
Image Study - September 10th Zoom - Commentator Ray Guillette
Our first Image Study Night is the second Tuesday, September 10th. Ray has set a deadline for submitting up to 2 images, sized 1400 X 1050, for September 5th, 6:00PM
Please send your images to Paul Smith and he will forward to Ray. Ray will begin by asking you "to talk briefly about the circumstances that led you to make your image" This is a great opportunity to discuss your images with an excellent photographer and commentator. Ray's comments will be centered more on composition, impact, emotions, etc. than on digital processing. So, if you would like to have an opportunity to improve your photography, this is the guy you want to learn from. Ray conducts most of the Image Study meetings for Stonybrook and he is highly respected within the photographic community:
Competition Deadline - Sunday September 15th at 11:59 PM Sharp
Program Night - September 17th Zoom - "Developing Creativity" presented by Mark Battista
Join Mark Battista, Painter and Fine Art Photographer, in this two part presentation which explores ways to create concepts and images that stretch the imagination. Learn ways to think and shoot “outside the box”. The first part of this presentation will focus on the topic of creativity.
Topics addressed will include:
· Develop strategies for thinking creatively
· Ways to generate unique ideas
· Discover sources of inspiration
· Explore approaches to visual problem solving
The second part of the presentation will feature, “Exploring Motion and Gesture in Photography”. We will look at ways to capture and express the element of motion in our imagery. Typically, photographers use the camera to freeze a specific moment in time. Discover ways of manipulating the settings in your camera to create impressionistic images that convey energy and a sense of motion.
Topics covered will include:
● To explore movement and gesture as a subject in photography.
● Discuss various approaches for creating a sense of movement.
● Suggested camera settings.
● Embracing the element of chance / setting up for success.
● Conceptualizing creating the shots as problem solving.
Contact information:
Competition Night - September 24th Zoom - Theme is Action - Judge Rick Cloran
Field Trips, Events of Interests, SIGs
Route 16 'Strip Trip' Field Trip - Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, 9:00 AM
We are fortunate to live in such a diverse landscape. We do not have to drive far to find hidden gems. I will lead us on a tour along the Charles River from Sherborn to Wellesley, stopping in several special spots for all the photography you can absorb.
Meeting time, place and details will be sent out to the signed up group a day or two before the trip. Registration closes Saturday, Sept. 14 at 8:00 PM. No non-members or dogs.
Offered by Buz Bragdon
Multi-Club Categories, a preview
1. Birds in the Human Environment
2. Clouds
3. Environmental Portrait
Night Photography – People and Places
5. Perspective
6. Selective Focus
7. The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat
8. Trees
Complete definitions are posted here>>> /d/dac6a2e1-9508-4806-8933-ebd69c3bb9e8
2024 - 2025 Competition Themes
September Action
A photograph that shows action. The challenge is to capture an image that communicates action. There are numerous approaches one can use to portray action such as : freeze action (fast shutter speed, use of flash), motion blur (zooming, panning, long exposure), action sequencing (capture a series of shots and join them together with post processing)
October Black and White
There is more than one definition of black and white. For our competitions, a black and white image may consist exclusively of black and white or may include shades of gray tone (grayscale) that may range from dark (black) to light (white). A black and white image is a monochrome image, but not all monochrome images qualify as black and white. An image will not qualify as a black and white image if it contains tones, shades or hues of color other than black, gray or white.
November Minimalism
Defined in Merriam-Webster as: A style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme sparseness and simplicity. Minimalism depends on high simplicity and involves using a minimal amount of compositional components such as shape, color and line. The simpler, the better in this case.
January Water
Any photo where the primary subject of the photograph is water. This includes lakes, oceans, beaches, rivers, pools, ponds, waterfalls. But don’t limit yourself. Water photos could include kids playing in water, people walking in the rain, dogs playing in the sprinkler, water splashes or drops, etc.
February Windows
A photograph where the primary subject consists of Windows. Windows show character and often have reflections or provide the opportunity to peek within. The photograph can consist of windows alone and/or interaction of people, animals, objects with the window.
March Lonely Tree
A photograph where a solo tree that is the main subject. The tree can be the only tree in the image or stand out from other trees or items.
April Black and White
There is more than one definition of black and white. For our competitions, a black and white image may consist exclusively of black and white or may include shades of gray tone (grayscale) that may range from dark (black) to light (white). A black and white image is a monochrome image, but not all monochrome images qualify as black and white. An image will not qualify as a black and white image if it contains tones, shades or hues of color other than black, gray or white.
May Music
A photograph that represents music or the making of music. This includes musicians, musical instruments, notes, etc
Photographer's Event List
Buz is creating an events of interest to photographers list. This is intended to be an interactive list with any member sending Buz an event that they've learned about. The event can be anything that you think would be of interest to photographers. These could be larger regional events or small home town celebrations of some kind. Any theme might be a good event: specialty sports (nat'l leagues, we already know about), state and local fairs and festivals, flowers and gardens, historic, special visiting exhibits at museums, and events that defy categorization. As you send Buz events, he will add to the list and send out periodic updated e-mails.
All Season Car Shows Many, many local and regional motor vehicle related events, weekdays and weekends. Contact Buz for info.
Nov. 02
Revolutionary War Encampment and Demonstrations - Holliston, MA, -
300th Calendar
GCC has established two Instagram hashtags to promote our club member's pictures. These are as follows:
We are looking forward to seeing your pictures under our hashtags on Instagram. Please contact anyone on the Social Media Committee (Fred Floru, Beth DeBor, or Susan McIntyre) if you have any questions.
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Copyright Notice: Copyright © Gateway Camera Club, Framingham, MA, 1966-2024 -- All rights reserved. All included content copyright the original creator.